Almost every computer user has in his arsenal a range of tiny utilities that supplement the Windows standard functions and features and increase effectiveness and convenience of work. ClipboardPath belongs to this type of software. After the application is installed and launched, a new command called "Copy path to clipboard" appears in the right-click context menu of files and folders. Using this command you can copy the path of the selected file or folder into the clipboard by a single mouse click. Users who don’t have this tiny utility installed on their computer have to go to the file's "preferences" section and copy the path manually. ClipboardPath really saves your time. After the file's path is copied into the clipboard, it can be easily pasted into any text editing program. The program's process is totally invisible for users, because the application doesn’t even have an icon in the system tray. The utility is absolutely free and in case you need help you can read instructions on the home page of the product.